Ceramic Artist, Brianna Sopourn is exhibiting her insightful pieces at HCA Florida University Hospital. The artwork, titled “It’s Just in Your Head,” is a series of fifteen ceramic objects constructed to reference the anatomy of the human heart, brain, and stomach. This series focuses on mental health and its direct connection to physical health.
The work does not address a specific mental illness but instead focuses on the physical detriment one can face if their mental illness goes without treatment. The fifteen ceramic objects will be a traveling exhibition displayed on pedestals that travel with the work to allow ease of installation, placement, and viewing. This series is designed for hospitals as it functions as found artwork allowing onlookers to view art passively and engage at their own pace.
The fifteen ceramic objects include five hearts, five stomachs, and five brains. Each of the five iterations of the organs become increasingly decayed from right to left. The purpose of representing each organ five times is to symbolize the gradual process that occurs over time. If mental health needs are ignored long enough, a person arrives at an unrecognizable place both mentally and physically.
“It is my goal through this instillation to bring to light the physical effect of poor mental health and help viewers to understand the importance of seeking care for their mental health to protect both their mental and physical health,” said Brianna.
This series of artwork will be displayed in hospitals across South Florida. The placement of the work in hospitals was intentional to aid visitors in connecting the dots between mental and physical health and allow patients and visitors to begin to process the need for mental healing alongside physical healing.
Brianna Sopourn’s work is on display at the HCA Florida University Hospital, 3476 S University Dr, Davie.