Fall Prevention Safety for Older Adults and Kids
Falls are a leading cause of injury among both older adults and children. Whether at home, school, or outdoor spaces, preventing falls is crucial to keeping both groups safe. While (more…)
Summertime in South Florida is often referred to as the “slow season.” Snowbirds fly north to cooler climates and families go on vacation. Luckily, there are still so many family activities available to do. With the pandemic slowing down and places starting to open back up the opportunities to go out and have fun are endless. Here are some of our favorite fun adventures in South Florida. (more…)
With seniors at most risk to catch and become ill from Coronavirus, Lisa Cini, aging expert and author of BOOM: The Baby Boomers Guide to Leveraging Technology, so that you (more…)
Census 2020 is finally here. In the coming weeks, every household in the country will be asked to complete the U.S. Census. It’s quick, easy and confidential – and for (more…)
If you have had to switch houses in the past, you know how much it can drain your energy if you are not prepared for the move. The process can (more…)
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