Census 2020 is finally here. In the coming weeks, every household in the country will be asked to complete the U.S. Census. It’s quick, easy and confidential – and for the first time the census can be completed online making it convenient as well.
“Every address in Weston will receive a letter from the U.S. Census Bureau in mid-March and this is when you can and should respond,” explains Mayor Daniel Stermer. “Don’t delay – respond right away. That’s our motto. Count everyone staying in your home as of April 1st and if you have doubts or questions, just call us and we will be happy to answer them.”
Mayor Stermer says it is vitally important that every Weston resident be counted, regardless of age or legal status, because census data affects the lives of all of us for the next ten years. It also affects the distribution of more than $1.5 trillion in federal funds annually; money for things such as first responders, heath care, food assistance programs, after-care programs, school lunches, road construction, and so much more.

While that $1.5 trillion is allocated to states and communities across the country, by completing Census 2020 you will ensure Weston gets its fair share. As a result of the 2010 Census, Weston directly benefited as a recipient of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) funds. Weston received almost $2.2 million in CDBG allocations and almost $900,000 in SHIP allocations providing for housing assistance through programs such as the Down Payment Assistance Program, Minor Home Repair Program and Barrier Free/Special Needs Program.
Additionally, Weston received almost $2.2 million from FEMA and the Florida Department of Emergency Management for stormwater management improvements, nearly $580,000 from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for construction of the roundabout at Bonaventure Boulevard and Saddle Club Road, almost $9000 to start a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program, $3500 from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for law enforcement training through the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG), a $100,000 grant from FDOT to install bus shelters throughout the city, and a nearly $600,000 Florida Department of Environmental Protection Energy Efficiency/Conservation grant to install LED street lights on our main roads.
To ensure Weston continues to receive the funding it deserves, it is imperative that every household respond to the 2020 Census by April 1st and be sure to count everyone staying in the home, even if they are not family members. Count everyone, from one day old to over 100 years. It’s estimated that five percent of children under the age of five were not counted in the 2010 Census, and census results affect many programs specifically for children utilized by Weston families such as VPK and the National School Lunch Program. Children away at college will be counted at the on-campus (dorm) or off-campus residence where they live the most; however, students can be placed on their parent’s census form as well, as there is a way to select that the individual is “away at college”.
To learn more about Census 2020 go to www.westonfl.org/Census2020. For specific questions or concerns, call Weston City Hall at 954-385-2000.