Hollywood Beach: More Than Just Sand and Sea

Our Secret is getting out! Travelers worldwide, from Europe to Asia and from South America to Africa, have Hollywood Beach marked on their travel itineraries. They’re enticed by tales of the pristine shoreline, balmy weather, and the promise of a paradise where the sun, sea, and sky meet in a symphony of colors.

Soon we will welcome visitors from the Northeast and Canada to their winter homes, along with cruisers and international tourists in search of the wonderful weather Hollywood offers.

One of the main attractions is undoubtedly Hollywood’s renowned boardwalk. Spanning nearly 2.5 miles, it’s a haven for joggers, bikers, and those who simply want to take a leisurely stroll. Lined with an array of eateries, cafes, and shops, the boardwalk guarantees a taste of local culture amidst the backdrop of the vast ocean. Every step brings with it the melodies of street musicians, the tantalizing aroma of cuisines from around the world, and the cheerful banter of vendors showcasing their unique crafts.

Beyond the beach and boardwalk, Hollywood Beach is a hub of water-based activities. Whether it’s jet-skiing across the glistening waters, diving deep to explore the mysteries of the marine world, or setting sail at sunset, there’s something for every aqua enthusiast.

Hollywood welcomes an impressive number of visitors each year. With more than seven million tourists a year, there are more than double the number of sun-seekers as places like Ibiza or Maui. This is no surprise to the people who live here.

What sets Hollywood Beach apart is Hollywood’s spirit of community and inclusivity. It’s a place where cultures merge, and traditions from around the world find a home. Throughout the year, a series of events and festivals celebrate this global tapestry, from Latin music festivals to international food fairs.

Hollywood Beach isn’t just another beach destination; it’s a celebration of global unity and diversity. It stands as a testament to the fact that while the world is vast with myriad cultures, there are special places like Hollywood Beach where the world comes together to celebrate life’s simple pleasures. So, whether you’re a local or a visitor from miles away, Hollywood Beach promises a world-class experience with a touch of global charm.