In 2007 Mickey and Deena McDaniel decided to put together a Christmas Party for Hollywood and surrounding areas. They called the small event Christmas on the Beach. The party was well received and became an annual event. In fact, after several years of great success, it became clear that they needed a larger venue.
“In 2007, my husband came to me and asked me to put together a Christmas Party,” said Deena McDaniel, co-founder of the event, “In six weeks, the show was literally thrown together… We’ve since grown from a few hundred to over six thousand in our audiences.”
The larger audiences forced a move for the FREE show to the Arts Park at Young Circle, and a name change for the event to Christmas Near the Beach.
This year’s show will start at 4:00 pm. The show is open to all and free of charge. Every year the stage floods with local talent! Artists donate their gifts, blessing South Florida! AND, of course, a visit from St. Nick’s will highlight the night.
Keeping in with the South Florida theme, children watch Santa arrive in a classic red car with a surfboard led in by a rousing marching band! He then takes the stage to visit the live Nativity scene, where he honors the wiggly energetic and sometimes not so silent, “Baby Jesus,” presenting him with the very first gift.
After his arrival, Santa will spend time in “St. Nick’s Beach House” where kids are welcomed to tour his living room and head over to his sleigh for a free photo and chat with the jolly ole guy himself.
Throughout the night the stage will display amazingly talented artists. Bands, dancers, and even a rollerblading Grinchy are set to perform! “Christmas On The Beachside,” an original song written and performed by Nashville recording artist Austin Adamec has brought the crowd to its feet every year.
Christmas Near the Beach will be held from 4:00 pm till 9:00 pm on December 17, 2022 at the Arts Park at Young Circle on Hollywood Boulevard. For more info visit www.christmasnearthebeach.com or call 573-280-8486.