Western High School Students came together to pay homage to the thousands who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. Since 2002, the school has marked this day with a student-constructed memorial, which has served as a symbol for Western High students to host the ‘We Will Never Forget’ ceremony. The monument replicates the Twin Towers, surrounded by the Pentagon, with a flagpole placed in the outline of the state of Pennsylvania.

Local fire departments and law enforcement members participated in the “We Will Never Forget” ceremony alongside Western High JROTC, choral singers, band, and the Student Government Association.
“Today Western High School kept its promise that it made 20 years ago,” commented Western High School Principal Jimmy Arrojo, “we treat this event with great reverence and respect. This monument was designed and built by students.”
He highlighted the fact that this was the first time in three years the school was able to hold the ceremony because of covid restrictions.
Davie Mayor Judy Paul was also on hand, “Through all that devastation and all that destruction, these colors waived brightly in the air,” she commented, “and gave us the hope and the strength to continue.”
The memorial was built in 2002 by sixteen students from Davie, Weston, and Southwest Ranches as part of an engineering class. The ceremony takes place annually on September 11th or the closest school day to that date.
Every aspect of the monument has significance. The seating area is in the shape of a pentagon, with two concrete pillars centered inside representing the World Trade Center towers. Behind the towers is a flagpole, its base imprinted in the shape of Pennsylvania.