Are you the next Ariana Grande or Justin Bieber? Would the world be a better place if we all could hear those lyrics you belt out in the shower? Coconut Creek might have the perfect venue for you to be discovered! Imagine singing your heart out in front of a live crowd with music experts ready and willing to give you feedback on your performance.
The 3rd Annual Creek Idol will be held Tuesday, October 9th, at 6:30 PM at the Township Center for Performing Arts. Like the American Idol TV show, Creek Idol is a singing competition where Coconut Creek residents have a chance to compete for the top of prize of singing a song at the 2019 Butterfly Festival and an award. Unlike on T.V. there will not be any mean, snarky reviewers putting contestants down.
This year’s contest is expected to be even bigger than last year’s exhibition. Singers will receive helpful feedback from a panel of industry experts in addition to the chance to be featured at the Butterfly Festival.
The competition is one of a number of events hosted by the Coconut Creek Parks and Recreation Department. With 18 different parks and nine green way trails, Coconut Creek offers residents a plethora of opportunities to get outside and enjoy the outdoors.
The event is free and open to the public to attend. Non-signers and folks a bit to shy to participate are encouraged to fill the audience on October 9th to cheer along the performers. Singers are encouraged to bring their friends and family. A big crowd response can have quite an impact on the judges!
Contestants must be between the ages of 12 and 30 years old and must apply by October 1st to be include in this year’s contest. Participants will be notified by October 5th if they are selected. Selected contestants will be given the opportunity to sing one song, with or without a musical instrument or instrumental track at the competition.
For more info or to register, click here.