March was National Reading Month, and Pines Lakes Elementary School celebrated it in a fully renovated media center, thanks to the SMART Bond Program. The SMART Bond Program focuses on improving the learning environment in the areas of Safety, Music & Art, Athletics, Renovation and Technology (SMART) at school campuses throughout Broward County Public Schools (BCPS).
Pines Lakes Elementary has one of the 34 media centers that were fully renovated through the SMART Bond Program in 2022. Final touches on the improvements were finalized in November 2022 and included brand-new furniture, carpeting, books, supplies and technology for both the students and teachers. The space will be especially useful during this month when reading is being incentivized not only in our county but all over the US.
The media center puts the world of books and information at students’ fingertips. Parents can encourage their children to visit the media center, check out books and see the wonderful improvements that have been made. The media center also provides teachers with additional technology to help enhance their teaching methods.
Media centers are an incredibly crucial part of the SMART Bond Program. At Pines Lakes Elementary, the allocated budget of $2.9 million included the media center renovation as well as a new fire sprinkler system, new water pipes, a new ceiling in the administration area and corridors, a new HVAC (heating, ventilation, air, and conditioning) system and roofing improvements. The investment in Pines Lakes Elementary delivers on the promise of creating a space that empowers students to go further in their education and to equip teachers with the tools necessary to provide world-class education.
Pines Lakes Elementary was one of the 34 media centers that were fully renovated in 2022 as part of the SMART Program. The media center renovations were finalized in November 2022 and included brand-new furniture, carpeting, books, supplies, and technology for both the students and teachers, which will be especially useful during this month when reading is being incentivized not only in our county but all over the US.
To date, the SMART Bond Program has invested $1.4 billion in schools across the District and completed 200 of the 232 school projects that make up the program. The program is projected to fully reach substantial completion by 2025. You can learn more about the SMART Bond Program by visiting