The Hollywood Women’s Club recently celebrated its 100th anniversary. The club holds a singular place in the history of Hollywood. It was not only the first Club to be organized but did, in-fact, pre-date the founding of the City of Hollywood.
The Club was founded in 1922 by The First Ladies of Hollywood, mostly the wives of officers of the companies which comprised the J.W. Young Organization. They guided the club through the early depression years and built its Clubhouse in 1927 on land donated by Mr. Joseph W. Young. The Club became a member of the Florida Federation of Women’s Clubs in 1922 and of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs in 1924.
Early club members actively embarked on a number of projects, including, the donation of hundreds of books, which founded the first public library, organizing Tag Day sales to obtain funds that were used to finance health screenings for local school children, obtaining a County Agent to assist farmers migrating into the area with adequate housing and welfare, and holding War Bonds Drives to support the troops during World War 2.
Today, the club works to support literacy programs via the Born to Read Project, raises funds for its Youth Scholarship Fund in collaboration with the Hollywood Rotary Club, participates in Hollywood Historical Society activities, and supports the Neighborhood Crime Watch program and Night Out Against Crime in collaboration with the Lakes Civic Association and the Hollywood Police Department.
The Hollywood Women’s Club hosts several annual fund raising events and is a member of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, supporting Special Olympics, the Hacienda Girls Ranch, Canine Companions for Independence, Roc Camp for children with cancer, Sew Much Comfort, and Heifer International.
The Clubhouse
The original plans for a Clubhouse were made in 1924 for an ornate Mediterranean style house, but since the house was actually built in the midst of the economic collapse following the hurricane of 1926, the design was changed drastically to a modest Classical Revival building, and completed by 1927 at a cost of $25,000.
Over the years, the Club has been restoring the Clubhouse. Recognized by the City of Hollywood for its importance, it was designated a local historical landmark in 1985, and decreed a National Historic Place in 1995. It is one of the few surviving architectural examples of its era in the Hollywood area.
The Hollywood Women’s Club members enjoy coming together to engage with each other and the community through countless volunteer projects that focus on women and children. Through this work, friendships are made that last a lifetime. Meetings start with social and networking time followed by a short business meeting and a program. Members bring appetizers and beverages to share with each other.
Meetings are held in the evening and take place on the second Wednesday of each month from 6:30PM to 8:00PM at our newly renovated clubhouse, located at 501 North Fourteenth Avenue in Hollywood. The Hollywood Women’s Club is registered as a National Historic Landmark.
To learn more about the Hollywood Women’s Club visit www.hollywoodwomensclub.org.