By Don Todd, Plantation Fire Chief
As the summer draws to a close we begin thinking about all those things Autumn brings. Cooler weather, kids’ sports, and of course, back to school. It’s that time again for new clothes, fresh haircuts and the customary hustle and bustle of getting the kids back and forth to school. Because we want our kids to have a safe and successful school year, there are some important things to remember to help ensure everyone is off to a happy, healthy, and safe start.
If your child walks to school, make sure they stay on the main streets, always try to walk with a friend and always go directly to and from school. This one may be difficult, but “Don’t Walk and Text” and discourage children from using headphones when walking. Stress to your child the need to always be aware of their surroundings when walking. Be sure to have a discussion with your younger children about “Stranger Danger”.
Remind your children to stay hydrated. The beginning of the school year coincides with the hottest months of the year and it is best to be prepared.
If you are driving your children to school, always use seat belts. And, if you’re transporting little ones, please use an appropriate car seat. The Plantation Fire Department will happily check or install your car seat on Thursday mornings at our Administration Building. Please call 954-797-2150 to schedule an appointment.
If your children ride bicycles to school, ensure the bike is in good working order, they always wear helmets, and provide them with a sturdy lock and chain so they can properly secure the bike at school.
As darkness comes a little earlier, make sure your children have reflective items on their clothes and backpacks so they can be seen by drivers.
As drivers, we must also be alert to children walking and playing in the streets at dusk and after dark. Be aware and always obey school zones.
Finally, mark your calendars for our Annual Barbecue which will be held on Sunday, November 3rd. Watch for the ticket requests in the mail or order your tickets online. Be sure not to miss this historical event!
Be Safe!
- For more information and safety tips, please visit our website at www.plantation.org, follow us on Twitter @Plantationfire and like us on Facebook at City of Plantation Fire Department.