Throughout the month of April, an exhibit of the amazing work of talented student artists was on display at the Weston Branch Library. Over 10 schools, representing 22 art staff submissions, and 237 pieces of artwork from Pre-K through 12th grade showcased the superb talent of the student artists. Each school was allowed to submit up to 12 pieces.
President Laura Dobrzanski noted, “We are so fortunate to be able to showcase such exquisite and diverse works of art from our local students for a period of time at the library and then recognize and congratulate the many deserving students for their contributions to art and culture. Every year we are blown away by the artwork and treasure the genuine smiles from the students as they are recognized for their tremendous accomplishments.
The judges for the placement awards were Lifrancis Rojas, Paola Gutiérrez, and Magdaly Montenegro, all artists and members of the Weston Art Guild. Lifrancis commented, “Art is subjective. When it produces an effect on you, it has reached its purpose. SAS artists have presented a whole exhibit that includes different kinds of mediums, different kinds of techniques, from the most naive to the most perfect strokes. It was a delight to walk through the library and admire the students’ creative works.”
On May 10, the Arts Council of Greater Weston held a reception for the 28 award winners and their families. Commissioner Byron Jaffe was on hand to present the certificates of participation and awards alongside Gryssele Machicote, Director of the Student Artist Showcase and President Laura Dobrzanski. The families were elated and the students filled with pride at this recognition of their talent.
Gryselle Machicote noted, “Our collaboration with the Weston Branch Friends of the Library, the Weston Branch Liaisons, the City of Weston, and, most important, Greater Weston Area schools further enhances our mission in enhancing the artistic skills of our youth.”