Guidepost Montessori Reopens for Essential Worker’s Children

girl eating a snack

While many schools are temporarily closing as communities mobilize around coronavirus response measures, Guidepost Montessori at Hollywood Beach is re-opening with additional health and safety measures and significantly discounted tuition to ensure that local essential workers do not lose crucial childcare services during the crisis. 

Guidepost Montessori at Hollywood Beach’s Emergency Care for Essential Workers program has the capacity to serve toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners and elementary students. Part of the heightened health and safety measures include much smaller peer groupings with no more than 8-9 children in one classroom, daily health screenings, and re-organized classroom layouts to provide more space for social distancing.

“We are honored to open our doors for the purpose of providing a safe, calm and engaging environment to children of essential workers in communities around the country,” said Erin Hennigan, Senior Director of School Success. “This program is open to all families working in essential industries, regardless of previous enrollment within our network. Our educators are eager to serve and dedicated to providing continuity of care for families during an otherwise trying time.”

Guidepost Montessori at Hollywood Beach is among 40+ schools in the Guidepost Montessori network that has been rapidly re-opening across the country to serve essential workers on a national scale. 

“To successfully address this global pandemic, we inescapably rely on certain critical workforces, and these essential workers, in turn, rely on accessible, reliable, and pedagogically exceptional childcare for their own children,” said Ray Girn, CEO of Higher Ground Education and Founder of Guidepost Montessori. “Our country is and will increasingly be challenged by an emerging crisis in a childcare capacity. The gravity of this unique circumstance cannot be overstated, and a different solution is needed.”

This program is open to all essential industries, which include but are not limited to public health and safety, food and agriculture, transportation and logistics, military services, manufacturing and distribution, engineering, public works and infrastructure, communications and information technology, and more. To get started at Hollywood Beach, located at 2230 Hollywood Blvd, call (954) 923-7100 or email [email protected].