By Daniel J. Stermer, Mayor, City of Weston
I hope that everyone had an enjoyable summer and is ready for all the fun, excitement and challenges that back to school brings. One of those challenges is the safety of thousands of students getting to and from school each day.
Put Your Phone Down – Motorists need to heed the NEW traffic law that prohibits the use of a wireless communications device in a handheld manner in a designated school crossing, school zone or work zone area if construction personnel are present. (F.S. 316.003(101).
City Budget – Ensuring the quality that is expected by our residents, each September, the City Commission will consider and vote on the proposed budgets for the City of Weston, the Indian Trace Development District and the Bonaventure Development District for the upcoming fiscal year, which begins on October 1st. Budget hearings are open to the public and your input is encouraged. The proposed budget keeps the ad valorem millage rate (tax rate) steady for the second year at 3.3464 and proposes no decrease in General Fund service levels. Hearings will be held on Wednesday, September 11 and Monday, September 23 at 7:00 p.m. at Weston City Hall.
A Grades – It is my distinct honor to congratulate every single public and charter school in Weston, as well as Western High School, for each achieving an ‘A’ grade issued by the Florida Department of Education for the 2018-2019 school year. This is an exceptional achievement that deserves formal recognition for which the City Commission will recognize each school and principal at an upcoming City Commission meeting. Quality schools are an enormous draw for families and businesses looking to locate within a community and it should be honored. This is a significant factor in Weston’s appeal. I have said this before: quality education, within a safe community, surrounded by environmental beauty, superior recreation facilities, fiscally sound government and access to quality healthcare, is everything families and businesses are looking for.
Performing Arts & Events – Adding to the quality of life in Weston is the Performing Arts season which starts in October and runs through April. Residents will soon receive the Weston @Play Parks & Recreation Guide, which details tons of upcoming events such as the free Weston Nights Concert in the Park Series, the Foreign Film Series, Moonlight Movies in the Park, the Symphony Concert Series, the Winter Safety Expo and Community Center class information.
Be Prepared – As always, be mindful that until November we are in hurricane season. September is actually the peak of Hurricane season and the adage “the first 72 are up to you” means that you have to have the food and supplies to maintain yourself for 3-days without assistance. I encourage you to continue to be vigilant and prepared for a weather emergency and be registered for CodeRED Emergency Notifications. Register under E-Notifications at WestonFL.org. For those on Twitter, you can follow us @CityofWeston, as well as on our urgent message only account: @WestonFLAlert.
Lastly, take a few minutes to thank our long-time City Manager John Flint for all his efforts over the past 22 years that has culminated in the Weston we enjoy today. John will retire at noon on October 8, 2019, leaving behind a great legacy that we call home.
- Mayor Stermer can be contacted via email at [email protected] or at 954-385-2000.