By Wayne M. Messam, Mayor of Miramar
Greetings Miramarians,
I hope the summer months are moving along as you hoped for, and all is well. As is the norm, I wanted to share some information with you, keeping you updated with what is taking place in your beloved Miramar.
A program recently begun by the City Manager’s office is taking shape. The Comprehensive Assessment of Revenues and Expenditures program, C.A.R.E., empowers our employees, residents, and businesses to participate in the progress of the City by making recommendations that can be implemented during a 5-year strategic planning process.
Ten Point C.A.R.E. Committees
The program is a 10-point City Manager budget initiative launched to maximize the City’s human, capital, and natural resources. Each committee has a Chair and at least one Co-Chair to implement strategies to support the City’s vision of the great City of Miramar. C.A.R.E. establishes sound financial management and responsible cost-effective utilization for use of public funds. Implementation of the C.A.R.E. Program involves support of each committee within the ten-point plan to address citywide focus areas.
We started the process eight months ago by working on suggestions. This allowed our employees to get a feel for the system before we fully implemented the other key elements like key performance indicators and citizen customer service surveys.
We have generated over 600 suggestions in our initial 8-month period. Our committees reviewed and researched many suggestions and presented 31 combined suggestions to the City Manager for approval. The recommended suggestions will bring about a potential combination of cost savings, revenue generation and quality of life improvements for citizens and employees. In addition to the opportunities to increase our revenues, the process has empowered our employees and we are delighted that this is an additional benefit.
Upcoming Happenings
A reminder, coming up in August are celebrations for Jamaica’s Independence and Flag Day. As part of my initiatives, I’ve combined the two celebrations into one and called it “Emancipendence Day”. Come Experience a Likkle Bit O’ Jamaica with us on Thursday, August 1st from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Miramar Cultural Center. Then on Saturday, August 3rd, I’ll be hosting the City’s Jamaican Independence Celebration at Shirley Branca Park from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
The majority of our students will be going back to school on Wednesday, August 14th. I wish all of our students a safe, positive, wonderful and successful school year with continued blessings.
Yours in Service,
Wayne Messam
- The Office of the Commission is located at 2300 Civic Center Place, Miramar 33025. To contact please call, 954-602-3198 or visit www.miramarfl.gov. Follow Mayor Messam on Twitter & Instagram: @WAYNEMESSAM or FaceBook: @WayneforAmerica.