Nova Middle School’s “We The People”Mock Congressional Hearing Team Triumphs Again 

Nova Middle School’s mock congressional hearing team has been named the best in the nation for the second consecutive year. The team excelled at the “We The People” Mock Congressional Hearing National Invitational held in Washington, D.C., on May 10-11, 2024. This competition tests students’ knowledge of the Constitution through discussions with scholars, professors, attorneys, and government officials.

Competing against 14 teams from eight states, the 35-student team from Nova Middle School showcased their expertise by reciting landmark Supreme Court cases and applying them to current issues. Their hard work and preparation paid off, as they earned the top honor after placing second in the state competition in February. This remarkable achievement is a testament to their dedication and knowledge.

The team learned of the achievement shortly after boarding a tour bus while exploring Washington, D.C. After hearing the words “NOVA Middle School,” the team exploded into cheers of joy.

Sponsored by the Center for Civic Education and supported by a network of 50 state programs, the competition aims to promote understanding of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. These programs host local and state congressional hearings, impacting thousands of teachers and students nationwide.

Nova Middle School’s team demonstrated unwavering dedication, spending months preparing for the competition. This rigorous preparation included memorizing important Supreme Court cases and understanding their application to modern issues. Their commitment was evident during a performance in May, which inspired many to pursue careers in government and law.

The team’s victory highlights civic education’s importance and its impact on young students, preparing them to be informed and active citizens.