Did you know there is a resource to help every person living in Broward County find the resources they need? Just dial 211 on your phone to become connected to 211 Broward. They can help you find food, housing, health care, elder care services, child care, legal aid, mental health support, and much more.
211 Broward is the only 24/7 comprehensive agency in the county that provides individuals and families with all of the critical connections to health and human service services they need in just one call, chat, email, or text. This 24-hour helpline is available to every individual and family in Broward County!
211 is a free, anonymous, 24-hour helpline offering listening support, information, referral, and crisis services. Their professional, degreed staff connects people in need with nearly 3,800 programs and services that are available to help them. Bilingual staff and telephone interpreter services ensure that callers can talk with us in the language of their choice.
211 offers people access to a variety of resources including:
- Crisis and Suicide Care
- Mental Health Services
- Substance Abuse Treatment
- Military and Veteran Services
- Health and Wellness Referrals
- Sexual Health Services
- COVID-19 Assistance
- Confidential Help for Teens
- New Parent Help
- Older Adult and Adult Caregiver Services
- Much more…
211 is available to help people in almost any circumstance. 211 Broward was established as a 501(c)(3) in 1995. Every hour of every day, someone in Broward searches for help or services. Knowing where to go is the first step to getting your needed help.