Saturday evening, March 22, 2025, at 6:30 PM, marks the return of the South Florida Symphony Orchestra to Weston. The event will be held at the beautiful Weston Town Center Park Amphitheater. We will listen to more of the glorious music which they have brought us in prior concerts. All this while enjoying the sunset over the lake makes for a perfect evening for the whole family.
Toby Feuer, WMS Vice President of Events, comments, “Once again, thanks to our partnership with the City of Weston and the Arts Council of Greater Weston, we are delighted to bring to our community this wonderful free concert.”
Christy Blackford, WMS Vice President of Education, “One of the special beauties of this event is the opportunity for our school children to see a full orchestra for free, playing favorites they can relate to. Our elementary students see different sections of the orchestra presented twice a year during their five years of attendance. Our middle and high school student musicians hear professionals performing and come to realize there are professions available to those who love and play instruments.”
The program this year promises to be as crowd-pleasing as ever. Although the program is not fully set, the list they are working from includes the “William Tell Overture”, ”Can-Can”, “Wicked”, “Star Wars”, “Plink, Plank, Plunk”, and Abba. There surely will be some vocalists who have thrilled us at previous performances.
Lou Marett, WMS President, notes, “None of this would be possible without the outpouring of support from our neighbors who fill the venues to overflowing as well as supplying generous donations to support our music scholarships and In-School Music Program. We are especially heartened by the many adult volunteers and the many student volunteers, both from the Tri M Music Honor Society as well as the student body at large, who make these events run so smoothly time after time. If you would like to be part of helping us produce these events, please go to
westonmusicsociety.org to learn more.”
Annalisa Walker, Special Events Manager for the City of Weston, added, “The Outdoor Pops Concert continues to grow in popularity. It’s a wonderful feeling to watch the crowd singing along and dancing to the music. Music truly is a universal language, and we encourage everyone to come and enjoy this experience.”