Children’s Harbor Hosts Third Annual Career Day Expo for Foster Youth

For many students in Broward County, “Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day” is an exciting opportunity to explore potential career paths by spending the day at their parent’s or guardian’s workplace. However, for students currently in foster care, this day can be a reminder of the challenges they face without a parent or guardian to accompany them. To bridge this gap, Children’s Harbor hosted its Third Annual Career Day Expo, providing a meaningful and inspiring experience for these youth.

The Career Day Expo was organized by Children’s Harbor’s Academic and Life Skills team and featured representatives from 40 companies, government agencies, and the armed forces. This event offered students the chance to explore various career opportunities, interact with business professionals, and attend business etiquette and networking sessions. The goal was to introduce them to a wide range of potential career paths and inspire them to envision a promising future.

Throughout the Expo, students engaged with professionals from diverse fields, learning about different industries and what it takes to succeed in each one. After the event, each student chose an industry that most piqued their interest. The Children’s Harbor team then arranged for hands-on experiences at the selected companies on “Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day,” allowing students to gain real-world insights into their chosen careers.

“It’s truly a gift to be able to show these young people the kind of promising opportunities available to them,” said Children’s Harbor President and CEO Tiffani Dhooge. “For kids who come from traumatic backgrounds, the need to learn what’s expected of them in the often-intimidating work world is especially important and can positively change the trajectory of their life forever.”

Children’s Harbor, established in 1996, is a nationally accredited non-profit agency dedicated to supporting families in the community and providing safe shelter and support for teens in foster care. The organization’s main campus in Pembroke Pines offers a nurturing environment for teenagers in foster care and their younger siblings. Additionally, Children’s Harbor runs a family strengthening program to prevent children from entering foster care by offering in-home counseling and support to struggling families. For young adults aged 18-23 who have aged out of foster care, Children’s Harbor provides housing, wrap-around support, and independent living programs to help them transition into adulthood.

With a mission to break cycles of trauma and provide a harbor of hope and healing, Children’s Harbor is committed to helping foster youth grow into healthy, educated, and productive adults. The Career Day Expo is just one of the many ways the organization empowers young people to envision and achieve a brighter future.