The Humane Society of Broward County has a special Cover Dog all set for its 2023 VCA Walk for the Animals fundraiser, and he is Weston’s very own Sparty, a six-year-old red-nose pit bull who was rescued by a police officer after he was wandering the streets in Miami. When his owners could not be found, Amy and Tenney McGraw became Sparty’s new family, and he even went on to become certified as an AKC Canine Good Citizen. Amy says, “Sparty is the kindest, gentlest dog ever, who just wants to love. He gets very sad when people cross the street to avoid him.”
Sparty was chosen as the Walk Cover Dog after his human parents qualified by raising $1,000 or more for the 2022 Walk and were entered into a drawing. Sparty will appear on all promotional materials for the March 4, 2023 Walk, including thousands of brochures, posters and more! His proud mom is the Pack Leader for Tropical Financials’ Team Sparty, and they hope to raise even more for the 2023 event.
The VCA Walk for the Animals will take place at a new location – Las Olas Intracoastal Promenade Park located at 80 Las Olas Circle in Fort Lauderdale on the Intracoastal Waterway just west of A1A and immediately south of Las Olas Boulevard. The 1-mile walk will take you and your pup (along with a few thousand others) up A1A where you will enjoy the sea breeze and an ocean view. One southbound lane will be closed off just for walkers – humane and canine.
The event includes vendor booths, live entertainment, prizes and more! Walk participants gather donations and receive gifts and prizes based on the level of funds raised. Raise $1,000 or more and you will be automatically entered in the 2024 Cover Dog drawing.
To participate visit www.walk4theanimals.com to register and start collecting donations. For more details or for sponsorship information contact Rachel at 954-266-6817.
The Humane Society of Broward County is a private, non-profit organization that is supported by people who care about animals. The shelter is not affiliated with any local or national organization with a similar name and has only one location at 2070 Griffin Road, Fort Lauderdale.