By Dr. David Bass, Inventor of the Antalgic-Trak Spinal decompression System and owner of The Neck and Back Pain Institute
Back in 2005, Dr. Bass was awarded an FDA-Clearance for his specialized medical device called the Antalgic-Trak (Pronounced An-Tal-Jic-Track), or A-T. In 2008 his A-T Patent was approved, and in 2009, Dr. Bass opened The Neck And Back Pain Institute… where he specializes in Spinal Decompression Therapy among many other non-surgical therapies.
“I had been practicing on Long Island for 25 years before moving to Florida”, explains Dr. Bass. “And although I had one of the largest solo practitioner clinics in the north east, there was always a group of patients whose response was limited when the diagnosis included any form of “Spinal Compression Syndrome”. Spinal Compression Syndrome, or SCS can be caused by lifting improperly, heavy sport activity and or auto/work related traumas.” The most prominent symptom of spinal compression syndrome is pain. I was determined to create a device that could treat SCS effectively. Thus, I created the A-T.
As a point of interest, conditions related to SCS include disc bulge/herniation, stenosis, scoliosis, facet osteoarthritis, pinched nerves, neck pain, headache, back pain, and more.
As of 2006, A-T systems were being sold across the United States and Canada. As of today, we have A-T Systems in South Korea, Germany, Spain, France, Turkey, Greece, Azerbaijan, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates. In the next few months we will be sending our first systems to Russia. “I find it very curious, explains Dr. Bass, that outside of this country, the A-T Systems are being purchased by Hospitals. But in the US, they are mainly purchased by private clinics.”
“We have about 100 A-T systems in Asia that are in both government and private hospitals. And with our continued growing success, I am invited yearly to lecture on a variety of spine related conditions and diseases at the KIMES Show. KIMES stands for the Korean International Medical Convention Expo. The largest medical convention gathering in all of in Asia. My specialty of lecture is non-surgical spinal therapy.”
“In fact, this past March of 2019, I spent several days in Seoul South Korea lecturing on spinal stenosis and the treatment options, including the A-T. My lectures seem to be well received, and it is always amusing, and the ultimate compliment for me, that the doctors and therapist who attend my lectures look forward to taking photographs with me that they display in their patient therapy and private office areas.”
Our Coral Springs Neck and Back Pain Institute enables us to treat patients with spine related pain using the A-T. In addition, our clinic serves as the main U.S. Antalgic-Trak training center.
“This Fall, we are preparing to visit Russia to train doctors and staff in six different government owned hospitals. These will be the first six unit purchased by the Russian government. But I promise… there was no collusion”!