Summer winds down, it’s time to focus on getting back to the books and classes for local students.
Set your alarm clocks! The first day of school for Broward County students is Wednesday, August 14th.
To help ease the back to school jitters and the transition from summer to another school year, parents can use these helpful tips.
Reading counts! Make sure your children are reading during the summer so they are prepared for back to school. Many schools have a summer reading list for students. You can also ask your child’s teacher for any book recommendations.
Make sure your kids get to bed early a few weeks before school starts! This will help them get adjusted to the new schedule. Establishing schedules for homework, dinnertime, and sports times also helps.
If your child is going to a new school, visit the campus before the first day back. Walk around the hallways, classrooms, cafeteria, and school office so your child will know how to navigate their way around their new school.
If your children are taking the bus to school or carpooling, be sure to map out the schedule ahead of time. Students should also be aware of traffic safety if walking or taking a bus to school. Find out the bus routes, know the bike and walking paths or chart out your carpooling plans ahead of time.
Shop early for school supplies! Deals on school supplies can go fast! Make sure to shop ahead of time and to check your child’s school supplies list! Many stores also have specials on back to school clothes. Be on the lookout for coupons.
It’s also important to prepare for back to school meals! If you are packing your child’s lunch, be sure to include healthy meal items and mix it up during the week so they don’t get bored eating the same food. It’s vital to choose healthy meal options for your children. Your child’s school should have a list of meal options.
Preparing for school doesn’t end after the bell rings! Make sure you have a calendar filled with after school activities and sporting events. It’s important to know the dates and times for after school sports games, club meetings and activities so you can arrange pick-up or carpooling. Visit your child’s school website for a list of important school dates and contact information. They will also list half days, school events and days off, along with important information for students, parents and teachers.
These helpful back to school tips will help to ease your child’s back to school jitters and guide them to a bright school year ahead!